Starbucks Prices Too Expensive? Save Money On Coffee!
Have you been paying Starbucks prices for your coffee fix? It can far too easily add up and you can soon find yourself spending £25 or £30 a week, or more, on coffee. How can you save money? Let’s take a look.
Change Where You Drink
If you’ve been paying Starbucks prices for your cappuccino or americano, have you considered simply changing where you drink? Where you shop i so important because different cafes and outlets will charge different prices. Whilst we might have our favourite places or those nearest to our place of work, if you can save even 50p on your drink, that will add up to some serious savings over the amount of drinks you purchase. McDonalds have great coffee for just 99p. See if there is an indie coffee shop on your commute that you can support so you know your money is going to a small business. Whether you live in Scotland or London, you can make savings by changing where you shop. Even if you live by a skinny latte most of the year and a festive hot chocolate at Christmas time, you might discover a new drink which will tickle your taste buds.
Earn Rewards
There are so many retailers who want your business and one of the ways they do that is to reward you for staying loyal. You might earn stars with every hot drink you buy or get a free drink when you purchase a certain number of coffees. If you are choosing to pay Starbucks prices or similar from the likes of Costa or Cafe Nero, be sure you are using their rewards apps so you can get a little something back when you buy. Check and see if you can get cashback by topping up a coffee card with one of these shops. My Santander banking app has cashback offers and they had 15% cashback once for Costa. So I topped up a card with £50 to get £7.50 cashback. You could also take advantage of the new subscription service that Pret is offering. Make savings where you can.
Make Your Own
Have you simply considered making your own drink? By the time you’ve bought maybe two or three drinks with Starbucks prices, you could have invested in a flask or warm drinks holder, along with a decent bag of coffee. This one bag will last you a good few weeks and you’ll make big savings. You’ll also save some time by not having to queue during the morning rush. Brew yourself a decent drink to start enjoying as soon as you step foot out the house. If you do have a reusable cup and end up having to buy a drink during the day, you’ll likely get a discount by having your own cup. More savings!
The world often spins on an axis made of coffee. Lots of us need that caffeine kickstart in the morning. However, we don’t need to overspend on our hot drinks fix. Make little savings where you can, whilst still enjoying your favourite drink and you’ll have more money to use elsewhere.